Wednesday, August 27, 2003


SUPRISE - Nayna sure gave me a huge suprice when she called me up all the way from mumbai. I was in the office tryin to keep everythin in place when i got the call. Man she sounded good. I ran outta the office and had a nice and warn conv with her. lemme take this time to tell everyone who Nayna is, she is from mumbai and is 29 years old and is a fun lady :P~. SHe is still single - SINGLE DAMMIT. But guys , u can all take a hike cause she has no intentions of marriage. I met her on IRC a couple of months back and there devoloped a very hard and good friendship. She sure makes m e feel special :)).

I met Roshan on chaT like around 9 pm and he was like - DUDE I HAVE 2 GIRLS BEHIND ME NOW. Had fun and a very good night sleep


Same as every other day. Went to office and started typing all this :P.

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