Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ok its been shite loads of time since I posted crap in here so here goes :P~. What you are gonna read below is a useless timepass plan to ride to Saudi Arabia cooked up by Ravi and then words an d stuff added by me, gunfight, bob and a few otheres.
DJ is planning to ride to Doha (in Qatar) to see his parents. Here isthe route map.
Since he is going all the way there, I am also planning to go with himso I will continue into Saudi to see my parents.
I was thinking we should all ride down there. It ll be fun.Accommodation is already arranged the rest of you, ConDom (akaDominic) has said that you guys can stay over at his place in Riyadh.
So let's party (yeah, in Saudi of all places, where things get cut off for doing something wrong).
The total fuel expensive, one way, will be about Rs 15000, at the max.This is worst case scenario considering your bike gives 20kmpl for6000kms. You can calculate accordingly now.Add another Rs 2000 for consumable oils (two strokers, brush up your maths and calculate for 2t oil). No sharing business, carry your ownoil.
The bright side is that the fuel will get cheaper as we head East, asrecently the king of Saudi has decided to slash fuel prices by 30% andeffectively brought the prices down to mind-numbing Rs 6.40/litre (ikid you not).
The route plan has not been decided yet, but we will not be touchingAfghanistan. So don't make any plans of riding through the NorthwestFrontier in Pakistan.
Apart from the above expenses, factor in about Rs.1000/day for foodand stay, which will most of the time be some gypsy's house eatinggoat testicles.
About 50k will see you through the trip, but carry another 20k ascontingency money, as not all medical centres in those parts of theworld (read butcher shops) might accept Visa and Mastercard.
Its a good three week long trip, and we ve allowed plenty of time forsight seeing and photography.
This trip will give you the opportunity to meet lots of gun-totting,trigger happy militants. So carry lots of souvenirs and space in yourmemory cards.
Please dont carry too much luggage. Travel as light as possible as weanyway expect to get mugged somewhere between the Pakistan and Iranborder.
To avoid hassles of applying for a visa in another country, we mightwant to take a ship from Bandar-e-Abbas to the nearest convinientpoint in the UAE.
Ok, i m bored of compiling information and planning the trip.But I ve done so much hardword till now, I might as well show it to somebody. :Dget back to work now, we will plan the trip at the next beach meeting.We can ride to Saudi!
Trooper :-)
i better be quick then!!...need to get a goldie no!!.....abba!! i want to buy cramsters too... also please decide if we will be riding staggered formation all the way? yes!! c'mon yaar..lets ride to Saudi. -bladdyfool PS: when will we be getting back. I have to go tile shopping for my new house with my mom.
We can ride to SAUDI, Yes we all can ride to SAUDI :)
Please to be forming the list and let me know well in advance.. i shall make ARRANGEMENTS for all of you'll :) Anyways all i can say is if "weeekend ride to pune" is possible then "We all can ride to SAUDI" So Caman de Enjaiment wonlee, Peace,ConDom :)
No NewbiesAll riders should have attended atleast 5 Madbull meetings/ if not part of madbulls at least sponsor for 5 days the smokes (raj macha, you can take a break da :) ) and the poison at cosies.
done at least 3 overnight rides woith madbulls/ if not part of madbulls, should be able to take a bullet up the stairs like gunfight at horsley after downing 1 full (test conducted under controlled environments, so dringking and driving is allowed :) ) and should also have seized one engine or made a silencer fall off - preferably a goldie or smashed/torn a sprocket apart - like bharath saar :)
should be able to withstand 1 nathari sangam get together at mahabs.. and be able to ride back home without any help :)
Oh Saudi eh ??
What are the dates wonlee ?? Lets not plan this around christmas asCondom will be in India and we will be screwed if we land up in Riyadhwith no accos.
Ajith - Machi we can take a spare engine along da. No probs
No am not taking the Thunderbird. Hopefully that 220 comes and I dothis trip on that. Or else there is the J350, wonlee that Ill have toorder for 3 more engines and some 30 liters of Oil - Completelydoable.
I suggest we take the Trans Afgan highway wonlee. I really want toride through that place.
No awesome looking babe for date and all da Raj macha. Chumma sittingat office wonlee doing nothing. All said and done I agree that aThunderbird wont beat an AVL 500 but any thunderbird can beat Ajith's500. The weight factor is there wonlee.
Goat Testicles - Wow sounds YUMM.
Ok so we hit riyadh and condom happens and then ride to saudi wheregulti meets parents and then ride to DJs place to be ass kicked by hisparents and then I have couple of candidates who work for AllfoneSystems in Uganda. I say we go meet em too. Couple of days morewonlee. On the same lines lets hit Sierra Leone too and see what thefuck is the big deal in living there.
I have always wanted to see Egypt and those pointy stuff that theyhave there. We will see em all.. Daddies , Mummies everything.
Cutting off private parts at Riyadh will be a huge problem for Bobbyif he is coming cause his is already small ( NO I HAVE NOT SEE IT,RAVI SAW IT ONCE AND PASSE DON THE INFO )
So Weekend Ride to Saudi. CAMAN FACKIN WONLEE
Dai! Afgan, Uganda, Egypt...we might as well ride to Morocco. Cant go too far da....Aditya needs to get back home to run his errands again (we might as well feed him to the lions there itself). And I dont know anything about Bobby's "parts". We all cant do 160 @ 3/4th throttle. cheers
While we are on the topic
We can use bobby both as an offence and defence machine :-)))
Defence --- Use bobby as a light emimiting apparatus cause his shinyhairless head reflects huge candela of light, Can be used as bait toofor those hostile afgan snipers. If bobs brings his wifey along thenshe can bite hostile soldiers too :P~
Offence - While corssing borders we can use bobby as a reflectorshield to blind enemy snipers and its obvious that their dogs will bescarred for life after seeing the terminator. So no four legged attachat all.
Will have to agree with ajith on the bike part too.
We will have to use black as the camo colour. Well i neednt use paintcause I already look like a Jamaican. Solo and Katz will not face anydamage too. Anyways we will have to paint our teeth black butwaddafack.
kundi thevidiyaaas!! talking behind the back wonlee!! i did not get any notifications in gtalk!! hence the slow reply!! but definitely faster than dosai the black ass' bike i say!! fackin guy!! the question of me being used as offence or defence shall be hammered to death by that fat ass and that black ass!! i will use fat ass of green beary to hide behind enemy bullets / swords / daggers and all that things they would 'affectionately' throw / betheaq upon us!! in the night, i plan to hide behind dosai so that he can act as camoflauge and protect me from night time dangers!! of course, an overly drunk kaatu panni and other wild specimens cannot find me as i would be in camos anyway!! so apparently i am gonna have a very safe journey!! i am planning to hitch hike with bike uptil kazakhstan border and then start riding, fuel kattu padi aagaathu!! maami will be flying as i wud've thrown her at some crosswinds from chennai that would surely blow till kazakhstan!! as for the desert ride, we are sure to stop by at a belly dancers okie?? l cannot, in my wildest dreams see another 'dance' by ravi!! once was enough!! 'my name is prince' was raped wonlee!!! yuck yuck and kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack thoooooooooooooo!!!! *cleans mouth* kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack thoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! gawd!! *shudders* lets also get naai roast some camel roast and once he falls there, leave him in the desert to die with some hindi speaking saudi!! apparently thats the only language he prefers to speak in nowadays!!

faaack... boob just "came" with all his load at 180 kmph @ full throttle..
condom - the waking up session must have been quite loud i guess..full paragraph writing and all...
oh yeah, we can always visit borat at kazakistan and ask him to rape ravi... !!! he tried it with Pam in the US, we can define ravi as Bam Bam !!
Bam Bam in afganistan... has got a ring to it... guys.. make sure you take enough grease.. if not for the bikes.. atleast ravi could use it (or rather borat would use it, and ravi would be grateful to us for bring it)
after a long days work..3 veshams each at cozee, 2 buckets of kfc and some bergers...a small old monk session and just reached home to find 65 unread messages in the thread.... shabba....lighta kanna kattudhu... will do my honors tomorrow..
ride 2 saudi------lavda ravi ur koodhi.....faackar first get urself a decent bike 2 ride for mr.arunkrishnamoorthy(i guess all the 26 alphapets are in tat name ) u get rid of tat modified ct100and aditya get urself a bullet man :)rest caaaammmaaan the saudi rideps-heard russians r on the loose fer guys like us...:)
I did not want anyone to feel bad, so I put in a HA! instead of a Hi! I have been looking at this thread ever since it started and have been in mortal fear of opening and reading what's gooing on. Teh little peek I had into what Ajith and Bob are getting into was enough to scare me away. I will read all this when a I am fitter and at a more senior position at work. Till then, Rock on!

Thus went the thread. It ran for 184 emails till we all decided to drop it. We still have not ridden back from Morocco or Egypt or wherever we are at right now.



Addy said...
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Dolly said...

ROTFL!! Loved it! :)