Thursday, August 04, 2005

Start of the Wheelieeeeeeeeeeeee

Originally uploaded by dosai.
Looks like am uncontrollable wheelie does'nt it, Well its not. Adi took this on the way back from Belum admist some beautiful ghat oriented roads.

I slowed down when he started to click me and started the wheelie and bugger Adi clicked when I was jus lifting the bike, so one leg is still slightly touchin the road and the other on the way to the foot-peg. Anyways all this was immense fun. What else can I say other than CAMAN DA WHEELIES



Addy said...

Dei dei,
Blame it on the roads, balme it on the wind, even your bike but it will be my boot and your ass if you blame it on me. I clicked it just right and it IS DEFINETELY a great pic.
That was one SAXY wheelie machan…who the FACK cares if the foot is touching the ground or nat.

We will take better ones naxt time.


cRaY3 said...

ota theriyama otina ipadhidhaan aahum ..ithula bandha vaera