Saturday, September 10, 2005

Went on a superb trip to Vailankanni during the last week of August along with Mom and Dad. You ppl should see the crowd at the place - Man it was to the brim. Spent 2 peaceful days there. From there went bumpety-bump by a local bus to Thanjavur to one of my relatives place and started from there same night to Trichy (Another 2 hr journey). Met few of my relatives there too for dinner. Boarded the train back to chennai on Sunday night and was back here monday mornin. TO sum it up - A Great trip. This place is worth visiting because of all its Churches and grandeour.

September looks like a good month for me :-). Well am not gonna sat it this early cause i already fell ill twice in 10 days :-(. It has started raining in chennai and the change in weather has brought in the Flu and the Fever :-(. Nothin like curling up on the bed with a Robert Jordan Novel during the Flu days . WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO CAMANNNNN DA ENJAIMENT


1 comment:

cRaY3 said...

raining in chennai???!!!...OMG